40 Years’ Experience in Carpet Clean, Repair and sales in Hong Kong




+ 85 2 9810 1943


+ 85 2 9810 1943

Carpet Repairing: Wrinkle Removal Process

Carpet Installation Services

I utilize a power stretcher or a crab to smooth them out. A power stretcher comprises of a head, surveys, and a tail. The tail props against a bolster divider, the surveys extend over the room, and interfaces with the head. I physically control the head with a lever to give your carpet an appropriate extend. I snare it to the tack strip, I wrinkle it with a stair instrument, trim it, and perfectly tuck it to the base board. This will give it a perfect look.

A crab is distinctive. Its a littler instrument that snares onto the tack portion of the divider you’re extending to and grasps the cover. I physically control the crab with a hand lever to smooth out your carpet, I kick the cover up with a knee kicker and snare it to the tack strip. I wrinkle the cover with a stair device, trim it, and flawlessly tuck it to the base board. This will make it look decent.

Opening Patching process

I utilize additional cover left over from the underlying floor covering establishment . In the event that you don’t have additional carpet left over then I would utilize a piece from a storage room. I square the opening off or utilize an exceptionally composed treat cutter to make a hover in your carpet. At that point I consummately cut a piece from the additional carpet and conveniently crease it together.

Berber Run Fix / Carpet Repairing Run Fix

I cut the sponsorship of the missing column out and supplant it with another line from the additional carpet left over. Its simple to do however it can be extremely dull.

When fixing an opening you will in all probability observe a shading contrast between the fix and whatever remains of the carpet.

Many circumstances can happen with carpet. The best thing for you to do is call me to clarify your circumstance and I will walk you through a simple procedure and settle it.

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